Questions we get asked the most

We always try and keep you up-to-date and in the loop. But sometimes, questions do crop up. Here are the ones we hear most frequently - and our answers to them.
Of course, if you can't find the answer to your specific question, give your local team a call and they'll be happy to help.
Yes. We don’t have set limits because every delivery is different. We handle pallets up to 1000kg, and parcels of unusual weights and shapes are no problem for us. Please call your local depot for an accurate quote and confirmation.
The short answer is "we don't". There are companies who specialise in delivering hazardous or dangerous goods, and we'll be happy to put you in touch with one. If you're not sure about the product you're sending, it's best to play safe and ask your local team for advice.
It all depends on where your delivery is heading for - different countries have different requirements. Your local Tuffnells team should be able to make sure your delivery isn't held up unnecessarily. But we also have an export expert hotline you can call for specialist advice.
You've got three choices. You can call your local team who will arrange everything. You can use Ezeelink.web. Or, you can send your request via Ezeelink.remote.
Easy. Just get in touch with your local team and they'll sort everything out for you. We normally send out new stationery based on how much you've used in the past two months, but if you ever need extra, just ask.
Yes. We can send pallets up to 1000kg stacked to a maximum of 5ft high. We limit to two pallets per destination per day. A Euro pallet service is also available. Please ensure a forklift is available for collection – we offer a tail lift as standard.
Yes, we can handle lengths up to 6m. Don’t forget, the item and its packaging must not exceed this length. We also accept moveable long lengths wrapped in layers of bubble wrap and/or fixed to wooden supports (if fragile).